Hummers & Bricolage: A Five Year Journal
These photographs journal five years of broad-billed hummers who inhabit the jasmine, tangelo, bougainvillea, tombstone rose and abandoned electrical wiring in two Tucson gardens. Each nest is a bricolage* of leaves, twigs, fur and dried flowers–woven together and glued with sticky spider webs.
Each nest encodes an epic tale: some eggs didn’t hatch; some nests were destroyed; some babies didn’t fledge; one mother disappeared. Buffeted by wind and rain, exposed to heat and cold, threatened by predators, these intricate cradles are marvels of engineering, made with beaks and feet. These assemblages are also artists’ creations. Their patterns are my meditations upon an inspiring form of bricolage.
Bricolage: bricolage: a term used in several disciplines, among them the visual arts, to refer to the construction or a creation of a work from a diverse range of things that happen to be available…to make creative and resourceful use of whatever materials are at hand regardless of their original purpose.